Tempered laminated glass, glass supporting structures | Millenáris Széllkapu Park

The 26 thousand square meter large Millenáris Széllkapu Park is one of the largest recreational parks of Central Europe. It is a treasure chest of special (regional) architectural elements, including, for instance, a three dimensional hanging garden, design solar panels and a digital water-veil, while a vast parking building lies beneath the park. 

The glass structure surrounding the surface section of the staircase that leads into the underground garage was manufactured by Rákosy-Glass Kft. Glass pillars and glass beams see to the support of the multi-layered safety glass walls and roof elements. Thanks to the tempered and laminated design, the structure – designed, manufactured, and installed by Rákosy-Glass Kft. – is extremely durable, yet still airily light.
