About us
Azzal, hogy a Rákosy Glass üvegtermékeit választja építési projektjéhez, Ön is csatlakozik azon több ezer építész, belsőépítész és mérnök sorához, akik – három generáció és több, mint 40 év óta – velünk dolgoznak együtt, hogy az üveg szépségének lélegzetelállító, időtálló kifejezéseit hozzák létre. Üvegeink a világ minden táján megtalálhatók, Kanadától Svédországig hallottak rólunk és választották a mi megoldásainkat. A Rákosy Glass minden üvegterméke a kifogástalan minőségről és a kifinomult formatervezésről ismert, díjak és megrendelések tanúskodnak erről.
As an indispensable player in domestic architectural glass, Rákosy Glass is characterized by continuous and dynamic development, with our professional preparation rooted in tradition and innovative and creative solutions, we contribute to the satisfaction of our customers, the high quality of our products, and the development of our environment.
Since 1990, we have developed continuously and with great strength, and we dare to say that we have always been at the forefront of the glass industry. We are still there, mainly in the field of interior design, where we fulfill orders that require special attention to detail. 70-80 percent of our work is not about volume, but about quality and creativity.
We have always placed great emphasis on special ideas, our employees are experienced in all areas of flat glass processing to provide you with the necessary guidance to achieve the goals of the project. We work equally on family houses and public buildings. We are proud to help our customers create inspiring spaces with our unique, special glass products. Our featured products are Helio Heating heating glass, the Luminari Glass design glass product line, bent tempered glass and ceramic printed glass, as well as noise shielding glass
Our mission is to offer outstanding, innovative architectural solutions and to realize our customers' ideas through cooperation. Combining our expertise with your imagination, the limit is the starry sky!
- Continuous investments
- Product development
- Innovations
1981: Ferenc Rákosy starts his own glass business, separate from his father's, in 2007 Rákosy-Glass Kft. is founded in its footsteps.
1990: Our millstone grinding machine and drilling machine of our own design will be ready
1991: We start up our straight "C" profile sanding machine
1992: We purchase our first straight edge sanding machine and factory drilling machine
1993: We will buy our straight beveling equipment
1998: We are moving to the X. district site, we are buying our first cutting table, there is an opportunity to process jumbo-sized glass panels
2002: Our sandblaster is arriving
2003: We are commissioning our first glass industry tempering furnace
2004: We are buying our first laminating oven
2005: We buy our first bending furnace
2006: We will buy the neighboring industrial plot where we will set up our locksmith shop
2008: We are building our tailoring factory
2009: We will buy and renovate the building of the thermo and the large locksmith factory
2000's end: We start experimenting with various heatable coatings, we develop our heating glass technology
2013: The Helio Heating heating glass wins the Construma Grand Prix, is installed throughout Europe and America, and the interest in it is growing worldwide
2015: The Luminari Glass design glass product line jointly created by S'39 Hybrid Design Manufacture and Rákosy-Glass Kft. receives the Hungarian Design Award
2018: The Helio Heating heating glass is included in the TOP 10 Most Interesting Hungarian Innovations
2020: We are commissioning our new bending training furnace in the new hall
2021: We are commissioning our new CNC machining stations
Why choose Rákosy Glass?
Design consulting
We use our glass-related knowledge to develop innovative, unique solutions, so we have turned design challenges into award-winning projects more than once.
Glass processing in the heart of Budapest
We process flat glass in a unique way at our Budapest site, approx. Our 25,000 m2 industrial site is located in a logistically privileged location.
Full range of services
We can undertake glass processing on a full scale, in large board sizes. We have the following technologies: glass sheet cutting, CNC machining, drilling, grinding, heat treatment (tempering, bending), sintering, painting, screening, ceramic printing, decorating, sandblasting, acid etching. We work with complex project management: technical consulting, engineering design, production and installation.
A wide selection of architectural glass
Our advanced manufacturing technology and vast inventory enable us to offer a remarkable selection of tempered, bent tempered, noise shielding, heat insulating, design, laminated, frosted, acid etched, safety, bulletproof, screened, painted and ceramic printed glass.
Our architectural solutions
We believe that no two projects are alike. In addition to our flexibility, our returning customers mostly like our professional competence and broad experience, as well as our fair attitude. Get to know some of our previous works! Some of our eye-catching projects that különleges építészeti üvegeinknek köszönhetően valósítottunk meg>>
Do you need help?
Whether you are designing buildings, remodeling homes, or need a special glass structure for your project, our team of experts is ready to help you find the right glass for your project. Keressen minket>>