Heated insulated glass | Apponyi-coach
A canopy with a steel structure with an area of 253 m2 surrounds the Aponyi-coach. The structure of the roof is covered by 90 qty, altogether 12.5 tons of tempered, glued, black painted safety glass.2. A tető szerkezetét 90 db, összes tömegét tekintve 12,5 tonnányi feketére festett, edzett, ragasztott biztonsági üveg borítja.
This monument, located in the graveyard of Fiumei út – due to its historical monument status – must be especially preserved from harmful environmental effects. In the immediate vicinity of the coach, a freestanding, 4.5 meters tall glass pavilion is located (independent of the surrounding steel structure) with an area of 29. The glass is airtight and heated.2 alapterületű, 4,5 m magas, légmentesen záró – fűtő hőszigetelő üvegből készült üvegpavilon található.
This glass ensures constant temperature and humidity, which is necessary to maintain this complex mechanism that is composed of original parts for viewing by future generations.